Riga Scenes

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Shoveling Still Life
The street below our hotel
Riga rooftops
Green Steeple Green Steeple
St. John's church
The other side of St. John's
Cinnamon Cafe Dome Cathedral
Outside the Cinnamon Cafe (a favorite of Guntas)
Dome Cathedral, the main church/square in Riga
Crowded table Suffering Virgin
Ingrid & Tom in front of the church where Ingrid was baptized
A close-up of the church
Ilze and Jeremy Ilze and Jeremy
Dana's poster in the box office Poster outside Opera House
Star Gazing
Poster at dancers' hotel
Crowded table Ilze and Jeremy
Lynda took my previous caption and made a haiku
Structures along right
warn of falling icicles
Pass at your own risk
One of many squares
Opera, main stage
Inside the Opera House

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